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Top 20 richest sportsman in the world!

Top 20 richest sportsman in the world!

  • Feb 06, 2019
  • pitchhigh
  • 4164

Sports is one ofthe most intriguing ad passionate hobbies of the people. There is no doubt inthe fact that this career is quite rewarding. People must be quite interestedin knowing about the richest of the sportsmen in the world.

And we willintroduce to you the 20 best of these. You will though not be surprised to findyour favourite here!

Top 20 richest sportsmen:

Following is thelist of the top 20 richest sportsmen in the world currently:

  • Michael Jordan

His worth is: $1.6Billion.

Like he needs anintroduction? Any sports fanatic or not will know his name necessarily. A nowretired basketball player, the man has created histories. With 15 seasons ofNBA, he is one of the best.

  • Ion Tiriac:

His worth is: $1.28Billion

Ion Tiriac, aRomanian athlete is a professional in two sports. He played tennis as well asIce Hockey. He owns Mutua Madrid Open Tennis Tournament. Apart from that he isalso in charge of French tennis player, Lucas Pouille.

  • Vince McMahon:

His worth is:$1.22 Billion

Do you enjoyWWE? After all, who doesnt? The McMahon family always made its name in the WWEuniverse. Vince McMahon was also a professional wrestler but now he is thechairman of the company.

  • Michael Schumacher:

His worth is: $780Million

MichaelSchumacher is the only name in the world of Formula One whom people knowexclusively. This man has garnered attention with his racing skills andachievements for all the time.

  • Tiger Woods:

His worth is:$740 Million

Tiger woods, theprofessional golfer that he is, has attained enough name and enough respect inhis field of sports. His professional and monetary achievements are bothuncountable. He is thus the 5th richest athlete in the list.

  • Magic Johnson:

His worth is:$600 Million

An AmericanBasketball player, Magic Johnson has made a great name for himself with hisgames. He has played 13 seasons of NBA and this has made him one of the bestplayers in America.

  • Roger Staubach:

His worth is:$600 Million

He was anAmerican football quarterback and played greatly in NFL. Roger had played forstraight 11 seasons and earned himself enough name. He had joined the DallasCowboys and that too in the very year of 1969.

  • Floyd Mayweather:

His worth is:$560 Million

If you werewondering that if there were any boxing players on the list, then here is yourchance to know him. Floyd Mayweather was a professional and exceptional boxer.He had a record that was almost incomparable to anyone elses.

  • Kobe Bryant:

His worth is:$500 Million

Anotherbasketball player with a history of making histories. Kobe Bryant was a formerAmerican player. He had played the very 20 seasons in NBA and that too with theLA Lakers.And holds the record for longest number of seasons with one team.

  • Eddie Jordan:

His worth is:$475 Million

He was an Irishracer. He had other things to do as well. Like being a team boss for the Motorsport.Apart from that, he is a businessman and not to forget a musician too. And whocan forget his time on the television.

  • David Beckham:

His worth is:$450 Million

Beckham is anotherathlete who needs no introduction. The football player from England who hasmade such a name that can be hardly replaced over time. Beckham owns hisbusiness and he is one of the most stylish men in the world.

  • Roger Federer:

His worth is:$450 Million

The tennisplayer, who currently holds the 3rd position in the entire world inthat of the mens singles. He has won about 19 grand slams and that tooconsecutively. He is on the verge of his retirement and is still going strong.

  • Cristiano Ronaldo:

His worth is:$450 Million

Ronaldo is aname that cannot be just avoided. The machine that his body is and his footballskills, both are exclusive in their own. He is currently comprising the 13thposition of this list with his enormous earnings.

  • LeBron James:

His worth is:$400 Million

Another Americanbasketball player. He plays in the NBA and for the Cleveland Cavaliers. He isone of the best players of his stature. He has earned quite a name for himselfwith his chic moves and great skills.

  • Michael Buffert:

His worth is:$400 Million

If you thoughtthat sportsmen mean only the people who plays the sports then you are so wrong.Well, Michael Buffer is a ring announcer. And he announces for the best boxingand wrestling matches.

  • Shaquille ONeal:

His worth is:$400 Million

The formerAmerican basketball player, he has no need of an introduction. He had been inthe sport for about 19 seasons. Now he is an analyst for the NBA. His height adgame skills were two major highlights of his career.

  • Lionel Messi:

His worth is:$400 Million

Now who doesntknow who Lionel Messi is. Belonging from the team of Argentina, this man hasmade every effort to show the world what a great player means. His footballskills are one of a kind.

  • Bud Selig:

His worth is:$375 Million

The commissionerin the Major League Baseball, Bud Selig is one of the best. He had been theacting commissioner from the year of 1992 to that of the year of 1998. After1998, he has been in the position of commissioner till now.

  • Phil Mickelson:

His worth is:$375 Million

A professionalgolfer, Phil has some of the best awards to his name. He has earned himselfenough including the 42 events in that of the PGA Tour. This also had the fivemajor championships and the three Masters titles.

  • Jack Nicklaus:

His worth is:$320 Million

A professionalgolfer, who is now retired, Jack Nicklaus, was also called The Golden Bear.He has won somewhere around 18 world championships. And that number my friendis unbeatable.

These are thetop 20 richest sportsmen of the world.