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icc cricket world cup 2019

Good News For Cricket Fans! ICC Cricket World Cup 2019 Is Knocking At Your Door!

  • Feb 06, 2019
  • pitchhigh
  • 13059

If somebody asks you to name the most interesting game, what will be your answer? Definitely, it will be none other than cricket. A cricket match live is regarded as the best time pass. As ICC Cricket World Cup 2019 is about to knock at the door, all are getting in their nerves. It seems that it needs to commence now.

12th Series World Cup 2019

Yes, it is about to start soon. Daredevils will be proving themselves on the hot ground by defeating their opponent team. Officially, this World Cup of 2019 has been recognized to be the 12th series. It is expected to be hosted by Wales and England within May and July 2019. The first round of the match will be organized at The Oval.

Once the final series arrives, it will take place at Lords. It is the fifth time when the Cricket World Cup will be held after:

  • 1975
  • 1979
  • 1983
  • 1999

It is hoped that you are familiar to the entire format of the tournament that is held on a worldwide basis. This time, i.e., in 2019 there will be a small change with rest things remaining as they were before. Teams that will be participating will be ten in number. One will be playing with the remaining nine.

World Cup with Zero Associate Member

Among them, top four will be moving ahead towards the semi-final rounds with a single final round. With a catapulted in the whopping from ten to twelve in terms of test playing nations, this time the match is expected to be highly enthralling. Once Associate teams get eliminated at the qualifying round, it will be the first World Cup in the history that will feature zero Associate member.

Tickets will be available online as well as vendors soon. It is good to make your bookings at the earliest to prevent rush. Enjoying the match from your bare eyes that too sitting at the stadium is really something enthralling! The more number of fans you assemble, more the enjoyable the deal will become.

How World Cup Series Won Hearts of Viewers?

At an initial stage, it is surprising to note that the World Cup series won hearts of few people only. Change is the nature of time! In a gradual manner, the series has mesmerized millions of hearts in a single chance.  People now run miles to enjoy the exotic view of World Cup series for the tournament.

Since the intervention of the World Cup series, Australia has been proved itself to be among toughest contenders. You will be surprised to learn that World Cup has numerous fascinating records. Arrangements are being made to welcome the team who will be burning fire of success in the world.

Unveiled History about Fans

If you get time to shuffle through pages of history book, you will come across numerous historical facts in association with cricket game. Fans have something more to unveil about this sport. It is possible to come across numerous interesting figures in association with World Cup history from additional sources.

Exclusive sources are inclusive of websites that are completely dedicated to cricket. These websites will be providing complete information regarding the history in association with the tournament. Till date some of the well known cricketers that have proved themselves in this ground include the following:

  • Imran Khan
  • Sachin Tendulkar
  • Brian Lara
  • Steve Waugh

Records that have been made by them are duly fascinating and highly appreciable. If you have missed some series, it is possible to reveal them by logging in to the World Wide Web. YouTube videos are highly popular.

Countries Participating in ICC Cricket World Cup 2019

Now here is the jackpot! As it is starting from 30th May 2019, the series will take place round wise on a regular basis. Below is the detailed description regarding countries in association with ICC World Cup 2019 in detail for you all:

  • England and South Africa
  • West Indies and Pakistan
  • New Zealand and Sri Lanka
  • Afghanistan and Australia
  • Bangladesh and South Africa
  • England and Pakistan
  • Afghanistan and Sri Lanka
  • India and South Africa
  • Bangladesh and New Zealand
  • Australia and West Indies
  • Pakistan and Sri Lanka
  • England and Bangladesh
  • Afghanistan and New Zealand
  • Australia and India
  • South Africa and West Indies
  • Bangladesh and Sri Lanka
  • Australia and Pakistan
  • India and New Zealand
  • England and West Indies
  • Australia  and Sri Lanka
  • Afghanistan and South Africa
  • India and Pakistan
  • Bangladesh and West Indies
  • Afghanistan and England
  • New Zealand and South Africa
  • Australia and Bangladesh
  • England and Sri Lanka
  • Afghanistan and India
  • New Zealand and West Indies
  • Pakistan and South Africa
  • Afghanistan and Bangladesh
  • England and Australia
  • New Zealand and Pakistan
  • India and West Indies
  • South Africa and Sri Lanka
  • Afghanistan and Pakistan
  • Australia and New Zealand
  • England and India
  • Sri Lanka and West Indies
  • Bangladesh and India
  • England and New Zealand
  • Afghanistan and West Indies
  • Bangladesh and Pakistan
  • India and Sri Lanka
  • Australia and South Africa

These are all about series that will take place initially. Now the semi-final rounds have not at all been declared. The list will be prepared on the basis of performance.

Whatever be, it is expected that the entire series of the match will be an interesting one.  It is time to get through details mentioned regarding each and every series that will be taking place. Series will be taking place in different venues on a daily basis. It is for sure that the forthcoming series of cricket match will definitely be something extraordinary.

Watch ICC World Cup 2019 Online

What happened if you are not able to book a seat in the cricket stadium? You will still be able to keep updates and watch entire series online. These series will be aired on televisions worldwide.  Enjoy the glamour of watching cricket match at the comfort of your home. You will be able to access the same from your smartphone too.

Are you getting ready to enjoy a gluing experience of watching cricket match of 2019? You will soon get more updates!