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Hockey diplomacy after 3 years: Pakistan junior team arrives for World Cup

  • Nov 22, 2021
  • pitchhigh
  • 1613

India and Pakistan have increased their personal involvement from the reopening of the Kartalpur Pass to the reopening of hockey diplomacy three years later.

For the first time since 2018, the Pakistani Youth Hockey Team arrived in Delhi for the Youth Hockey World Cup on Saturday. The World Cup will be held in Bhubaneswar from November 24th to December 5th.

The Pakistani hockey team last came to India for the Senior World Cup in 2018. Prior to that, he participated in the Champions Cup in 2014. This year was the year that Prime Minister Narendra Modi wore it in contact with all SAARC leaders. , Includes all SAARC readers. Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif at the oath ceremony.

According to officials, Pakistani players did not get a visa for the 2016 Youth Hockey World Cup-Pattern Court Attacks (January 2016) and Uri (September 2016), followed by Surgical Strikes (September 2016) ).

In 2019, the Pakistani shooting team was unable to compete in the World Cup final in Delhi for the same reason. The match in India remained largely isolated because no visa was issued. This happened in the light of a terrorist attack on Pulwama, where at least 40 guards were killed.

However, after a harsh warning from the International Olympic Committee, the government has confirmed in writing that athletes from Pakistan will not stop coming to India.

This time, Pakistan was invited to the competition because the Asian qualifying was not held due to the pandemic and visas were issued to athletes and officials, officials said.

A senior diplomat from the Pakistan High Commission has welcomed members of the Pakistan Youth Hockey Team at IGI Airport in Delhi. Chargé d'Affaires Hassan Khan of the Embassy of Pakistan also hosted lunch on Saturday in honor of him.

A Pakistani diplomat said, "They are completely ready, full of energy and ready to do their best during the tournament."

Since February of this year, the backchannel between the two countries has been working overtime to keep the lines of control peaceful. However, in recent months, targeted killings in Kashmir have raised suspicions on the ground.

India invited Pakistan's National Security Agency to the NSA's regional talks on Afghanistan, but Islamabad declined. However, both sides have agreed to move forward with the reopened Karuta Pool Corridor earlier this week.

However, the relationship remains complicated as Islamabad has not yet allowed the Indian government to send wheat to Afghanistan over land via Pakistan. This was after Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan last week assured the Taliban delegation that his government would "actively consider" the proposal in exceptional humanitarian situations.

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